Suggestions for Excusions in Cozumel when sailing the Holiday



Could I get some suggestions on the best excursions to purchase while in Cozumel area? We are sailing in June on Holiday to Cozumel and Calica. Would like to know which ones are worth the money and which are not worth the time. Years ago I took the Tulum trip and it was ok but an all day ordeal.
Please let me know what ya think

Thanks so much for the help


You really need to do an excursion in Calica unless they stopped docking at the quarry. In Cozumel we usually take a taxi to the far end of town and walk back towards the ship. I love to shop at Los Cinco Soles (I feel very safe using my credit card here.) and then we eat right next door at Panchos. They've got great food and theres a good atmosphere. I don't know if it's a place to drink or not, though. We've done Chankanaab, too, but that was years ago and I couldn't say how it is now. Back then the sand was deep, there was quite a dropoff at water's edge some of which was roped off so the marine life could stay alive. I saw some thing snorkeling there I hadn't seen, but I suspect Mbandy's snorkel spot is much better.