Sumitt Panama Oct 2004 info. Please



Hi everone!
We have just booked a cruise on the Sumitt for a balcony on the Pamama Canal sailing for October 1, 2004. Has anyone cruised this ship on the Pamama Canal itinary?I would love to hear from you if you have, any comments both good and bad would be greatly appreciated. What are the good tours to take? Not too tiresome tours, as hubby has a bad heart. Thanks in advance.


The Panama Canal cruise is a great one. We sailed it last October on Infinity. My hubby was just recovering from triple bypass surgery when we took this cruise. We did not take any tours as going through the canal was the height of our trip for us. The scenery is beautiful. But I must warn you it is very hot. To get a good view going into the first set of locks everyone wants to be on the outside upper decks. You would need to be out on deck about 5:30 in the morning to get a good spot and by 8 am it is very hot. We stayed in our cabin and enjoyed the view from our balcony and kept the TV on to watch as the ship entered the locks.

Then in the after noon, we went on deck 10 aft and had a great view of the locks after the ship enters. By this time of day, most of the passengers are tired and hot and are in their cabins. Have a nice cold drink and sit under the canopy of the aft deck to enjoy this view.

Regarding tours, I know there is a train ride in Panama that goes along the canal that is supposed to be very good. But for my money I would just stay on the ship, have a nice breakfast in the air conditioned buffet and then enjoy the scenery. It is the rain forest so most likely part of the trip you will see rain.
