Summit Cabin Question



I'm on the Summit Northbound August 1 departure. We have outside connected cabins on the Continental deck - 2181 and 2185. I'm concerned that they might be noisy since they are under the Normandie restaurant kitchen. Does anyone know? Thanks!


Being under a kitchen is noisy, but I doubt that is bad because they aren't up all night preparing to feed thousands breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the main dinning room. The fact that they only serve from say 6PM to 10 PM means they should not be loud when you want to sleep.

With that said, I have never been under that kitchen so I am just guessing. You never know. I was under the main kitchen on my Mercury cruise years ago and every morning at about 5 AM is sound like the mixer was coming down the side of the ship to enter our room. Even with ear plugs it would wake me up.


I have never cruised on the Summit, but I have been Over a Galley. The noise was like metal rolling over metal about 2 to 3 a.m. in the morning which woke us up out of a sound sleep. After taking a galley tour, I realized it was the Rolling Bread racks/ovens that were being moved each morning. If you can, you may wish to move. If not bring ear plugs as mentioned.


I was on the Summit this past June. My cabin was 2350. I must have been under the galley also. The noise was aweful. The ear plugs and sleeping meds helped. But, not a great way to cruise.