Summit July 30,2004



Why is it so difficult to locate other couples sailing on this cruise? If you are going, please raise your hand......Thank you


In actual fact there are few of us on the boards/sites compared to those that actually cruise. Plus there are some of us that prefer not to advertise we are cruising. Use the Cruise tracker and the roll call and cross your fingers. and John won't mind if I suggest you try other sites too. Or maybe you just might have the ship to yourself. Think of the service !!!!!!!!


I'm on this cruise with my husband and 16yo daughter. Did you check the roll call board? Or the Cruise Tracker?

It's our first cruise, and boy, am I excited. I've been hanging out here and at one of those other sites every day!!


Thanks for those quick responses, they are much appreciated. You have restored my faith!!!
Dandylon, I have checked both, other site and roll calls but it's difficult to locate other sailing couples on this July 30,2004 northbound cruise yet the ship seems fairly full already. I suspect, BSeabob may be correct and we are sailing with the entire witness protection barrage. Dandylyon, I believe that I found your name on a roll call and left you a message a week or so ago. Being excited is a good thing, I'm excited myself, isn't life simply wonderful! This is our second cruise with Celebrity. Honestly, we were totally hooked on Celebrity after our very first cruise to Bermuda with Celebrity on the Zenith which sailed out of New York. My research says, the Summit is absolutely the ship and Celebrity is truly the cruise line, you too did your homework well.......As you know, we too are on board (Cruisetour #16), just my wife and I. I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm excited and I'm already packed.......Concierge Concierge Concierge Concierge !!!!


We are not a couple but 2 best friends sailing on this cruise as well. I have nothing but good things to say about Celebrity and have heard the Summit is one of the best in the fleet. We have a thread on the other web site. Looking forward to meeting everyone on board. So, now we know of at least 8 of us going. Hope they have enough food.
