Summit luggage fiasco at disembarking.



Please DO NOT accept Celebrity's ride to the airport after your cruise. We did and boy did we regret it. They put everyone's luggage on a separate bus and it didn't get to the airport until an hour after we did. We had to wait curbside as more and more folks joined us from the boat who disembarked at later times. There was no communication from Celebrity about the status of our luggage. Buses filled with luggage from another cruise showed up and there was no way to tell if that was our boat's truck or not. A huge crowd of the Celebrity Summit's passengers built up until finally the luggage arrived. This created a logistic nightmare for all. The cost for the service was higher than the cost of the taxi we took when we arrived.
Celebrity did offer a $20 valet luggage service which allegedly got your bags onto your airplane after you cleared customs...this may have been a good alternative...


I never use the cruise linie busses. I just take a cab to and from the ship. That is so much more convenient to me.


I think that most of the time these things work..BUT when they don't they really don't. Thanks for the info. Coming from up here if using cruise air and transfers usually is not a problem as we generally get in at an odd time and don;t have to wait for anyone or very few most time.


Conniemc said:
Mbandy said:
I never use the cruise linie busses. I just take a cab to and from the ship. That is so much more convenient to me.

Me too.

We're up on deck with a fruity drink in our hands while the cruise line busses are still showing up. :cheers


Mbandy said:
Conniemc said:
Mbandy said:
I never use the cruise linie busses. I just take a cab to and from the ship. That is so much more convenient to me.

Me too.

We're up on deck with a fruity drink in our hands while the cruise line busses are still showing up. :cheers

:lolLOL. I was always one of the first 10-20 people on board...they weren't even ready to pass out the welcome aboard champagne. Wonder if they cut that out too?
I'll be going to Europe this fall on Oceania, so being solo, and having no CLUE where I am, I'm using their transport. But I doubt it will be like the horrific FLL buses. "We don't leave until we're fully loaded!!" LOL
Oceania has only 700 pax and they are far more detail oriented. I'll let ya know how it was. This board doesn't have lux lines boards, but I'll pop in and say HOWDY:daisy


Hey Connie, What cruise are you taking with Oceania ? Sounds divine ! I did the Med solo in 2000 with RCI, I had a peek at Oceania website......wew, I wanna know more details if you are willing to share. Did I mention I love your picture, reminds me of me, kinda sassy and classy. And your opinions are something I always look for. We sailed out of Barcelona, i went in a day early and had a small B&B barely fit my luggage in the room...LOL...I just took a taxi on my own, but after the cruise I had 2 more days in Barcelona, and started navigating my way round the subway. Fond memories.


I changed my low priced as Oceania was, their on boards, i.e. wine, excursions, etc. were 400% higher than I'm used to paying...

Since the destination was most important, I went with cheapo Princess. Got a nice veranda, fixed seating, etc. for under $2K - did the air on my own - non stop for $600. And I'll be able to afford my Korbel! On Oceania, they were charging like $50 a bottle for ASTI!!!!
Anyway, so now I leave 11/6 from Venice to Rome - 12 days. Should be quite the trip. Oh, and did I mention, I can SMOKE on my balcony!!! (raspberry!!!)


LOL....cheapo Princess....and they call me a QUEEN...haha. Looks like a great cruise, very different from my itinerary, we purposely did not include Greece in our itinerary, had planned a Windstar to Greece in fall 2001, obviously plans changed. Please post even a little review when you get back. I am envious, I have only a five day out of San Diego in October, and my Mother and I are cruising with my Aunt and favorite cousin who live in CA, and cuz is looking forward to smoking away from the Mom's on our balcony, I keep on teasing Mom if she doesn't behave, cuz and I will take a different ship. But my Mom is 83, and I am treasuring each trip we are still able to do together.


My grandmother quit smoking in her 80's, because she couldn't take listening to her daughters bitch at her anymore...ha. She remained 100% mentally and physically until she passed from a staph infection (never go into a hospital - :help) at 93.

It's a long way off still. I'm going specifically to see Santorini. Remind me again in the's summer at the Jersey shore, so I'll be busy busy busy (I hope!) until then.
Have a great weekend!