Please DO NOT accept Celebrity's ride to the airport after your cruise. We did and boy did we regret it. They put everyone's luggage on a separate bus and it didn't get to the airport until an hour after we did. We had to wait curbside as more and more folks joined us from the boat who disembarked at later times. There was no communication from Celebrity about the status of our luggage. Buses filled with luggage from another cruise showed up and there was no way to tell if that was our boat's truck or not. A huge crowd of the Celebrity Summit's passengers built up until finally the luggage arrived. This created a logistic nightmare for all. The cost for the service was higher than the cost of the taxi we took when we arrived.
Celebrity did offer a $20 valet luggage service which allegedly got your bags onto your airplane after you cleared customs...this may have been a good alternative...
Celebrity did offer a $20 valet luggage service which allegedly got your bags onto your airplane after you cleared customs...this may have been a good alternative...