We will be arriving in San Juan at 1:30 in the afternoon January the 15th. We were wondering how much time we will have to check things out before it gets dark. Here in northwest Indiana it would be dark by 5pm. We were also wondering about what there is to do in Old San Juan at night, as we will be staying at the El Convento Hotel for 2 nights before we sail. Terri
Soveriegn of the Seas 4/02
Majesty of the Seas 11/02
Grandeur of the Seas 4/03
Sovereign of the Seas 12/03
Slpendour of the Seas 4/04
Empress of the Seas 1/05
Soveriegn of the Seas 4/02
Majesty of the Seas 11/02
Grandeur of the Seas 4/03
Sovereign of the Seas 12/03
Slpendour of the Seas 4/04
Empress of the Seas 1/05