Surviving a Baltic cruise with sciatica?



My family and I are on the Constellation May 21 from Dover and I wonder if anyone has managed a 14 day cruise and trans-continental flights with chronic sciatica? My husband barely managed an Alaska Infinity cruise a few years ago and fears he can't go along on this one with so much difficulty sitting for hours at a time. We would be travelling from our home in Hawaii, so the plane trips alone are extremely daunting. Any advice?


I have one suggestion, having suffered acute sciatica on one cruise after a long flight--I think the cramped quarters on a plane is the worst thing for that but IF he does not already have a portable TENS unit (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), he might want to ask his doctor to prescribe one if they are not available without a prescription in Hawaii. That could be used to prevent worsening of spasms while in limited space.

Just check with the airlines to make sure their use if okay in flight. I'm sure they would go by same rules as portable electronics.

Good luck,


Thanks so much Cora. I never thought of a TENS unit. It didn't help him too much during physical therapy when he tried it several years ago but might help during a flight. I am ready to try anything that might allow him to go along.