Teenager and October


Ga Lady Diver

We are sailing on Elation Oct. 23. Our sixteen year old daughter will be going with us. Could anyone tell me if there will be many teens on a cruise this time of year?


Every sailing has kids- some has less then others.
We sailed the 3rd week in Sept and there were a total of 35 kids under the age of 18.

I sent you a private message -please check


Not many teens in October, but at 23 your dd should find more people her age because fewer people her age are in school.


We've cruised during October the past few years. We see an increasing number of teenagers during that time. (Granted there aren't as many as when school is not in session.) We always see the information for the teen program when we board, too.


Sailing on the 23rd with a sixteen year old and not a 23 year old...gee I should read more carefully. :dizzy

Schools are starting earlier these days than they used to because they are now having a "fall break" Not sure about October but when we were on Navigator of the Seas on the first week of November two years ago there were over 400 kids on the ship. It was because of some school holiday in New Jersey.


We're sailing this year in October for the first time....we have done 3 cruises in the traditional "summer" months prior to this. Also wondering how many kids will be on board for my own kids to "hook up with". For us, we have a "fall break" for a week this year at the end of October/beginning of November. So, we'll actually be onboard over Halloween! We're hoping this is lots of fun for our family. My kids are 9, 12, & 16. My 16 year old doesn't know if others her age will "dress up" for the many contests and events Carnival is having onboard for Halloween. Any thoughts??? I know many posters on the message boards indicate adults DO dress in costume while onboard over Halloween. Anyone know if teenagers do?


My boys always found kids easy and since there were fewer of them they bonded quickly leaveing next week and boys can't wait


Yes there are fewer in Oct. than spring break (I know that's obvious). But we've dared to take ours the week after spring break was over...much like Oct. and Sept. are. you'll find fewer teens... so the keeping up with the Jones's plays a negligent factor. Their less likely to get with a wild crowd. There are fewer so they become close knit and unlikely groups seem to form (possibly which wouldn't in a large mass teen sailing where the social tier stays put).

I'd make sure to sign her up on the first night for the "camp", there she'll meet other teens and get a schedule with activities. Usually the teens ditch the camp and just hang out after meeting each other... but this is a great way to get it started.