If you are not going on a ship excursion, you still need to get a number for the tenders. They will tell you the process onboard for each particular port, probably in the Patter (ship newsletter that they deliver to your cabin each night). I dont know how accurate this is, but Ive read that ships excursions get priority in tendering. Many say if they are doing independent tours, they get stuck tendering off the ship much later. Its been a few years since Ive sailed with Princess (2002) but I dont remember that being the case back then. We were able to get off fairly early and we did not book our excursions through the ship. However, it seems maybe that has changed. Point being, if you are planning any independent excursions, dont schedule them first thing in the morning. Go with a little later time, just to make sure you dont miss it.
They use the ships lifeboats to tender you into port. You will board them down on one of the lower decks, at the waterline. The tenders pull right up, the door is open to a little platform, and you walk right on. These are covered, enclosed boats. Depending on which port, sometimes its a 10 minute ride (Grand Cayman), and sometimes its a bit longer (Belize... not sure how long that one is, I havent done it yet). The tenders will run all day while in port, and they will tell you what time the last one is coming back. Dont miss the tender!! Or you'll be stuck in port... not good :worried Actually there will probably be a line of passengers waiting for those last few tenders, and they will run until they get everyone back on board, just make sure you are to the tender area when you are supposed to be.
Post Edited (03-24-04 12:40)