texting on the boat- public phones


Bar Steward
We are planning a cruise with our 15 yr old moody teenager
She does not always want to come with us to all the evening events and prefers to stay in the room and read or watch tv at times.

Is there a way we can check in on her just to see if all is ok while we are out of the room?
Does texting work on the boat? Are there public phones we can use to dial into the room to make sure she is ok?

Is it safe for a 15 yr old girl to stay in the room by herself?
Any opinion/suggestions would be appreciated.


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
>>>>Is there a way we can check in on her just to see if all is ok while we are out of the room?
Does texting work on the boat? Are there public phones we can use to dial into the room to make sure she is ok?

You can call the room from any public telephone on the ship. Princess uses a deck number and cabin number combination, pick up the phone and dial. No texting

>>>Is it safe for a 15 yr old girl to stay in the room by herself?

As long as she doesn't open the door...............
Reality wise ships overall are pretty safe. Besides being moody, if she is a sensible girl with a responsible attitude, she will know that you don't go anywhere with anybody, even crew, and in public areas there are always people around.
Princess has a pretty good teen program that might just keep her moods occupied as she will be able to associate with teens her own age. You didn't mention the ship but the grand class and above have teen discos and game rooms and plenty of activity.
She should be fine.


Staff Captain
I would suggest that she attend the first sessions of the programs because that is when people that age tend to break into what little group they want for the cruise. If she waits and goes a day or two later friendships might already be formed. Sort of like the first day of school, easier to join in than when it's already started.

You might find she will not be so moody once she is on the ship and things are taking place. My DD went thru the moody years but when we were in resorts with entertainment staff they always seemed to get her involved and she had a good time.