Leon and I would both like to thank everyone for all the prayers and good thoughts. He didn't have the surgery until around 5:00 pm yesterday and had problems coming out from under the anesthesia, but they released him around 5:00 pm today. Once he comes out of it, he gets better very fast. I had to stay with him (and stay awake) all last night as they didn't want him left alone, but I had planned on that anyway. So, he's at home, but the dogs aren't happy because he doesn't "smell" right, and will be taking it easy for several more days. Of course, he looks like he's pregnant with twins because of all the air they pump into the abdomen, and he's very sore, but no more hospital, so he's happy, and we'll both get some sleep. Olive man isn't doing terribly well and he and his wife were "interviewed" by the police yesterday evening.