The time ticks by sooooo slow!!


cruzin sisters

37 days and counting until I leave for the Valor-I've made my lists, cleaned my cruise clothes-Packed some of my items-counted my money and checked my cruisin card balance--I have even already kissed the dog good-by----But What do I do now? I booked two more cruises just so i could have something else to plan-I keep looking at the cruise cams- reading all the posts--(which I really enjoy) But still the clock just ticks by. I filled up the bathtub, turned all the lights on, and made myself a pina calada, but some how it just wasn't the same.
I have it BAD-I tried to build a raft for my pond but ....My steward kept falling overboard!! I really truely need my cruise fix---I would check myself in for my addiction--but they wouldn't take me seriously--What's a girl to do? PLEASE HELP:p


HAHA I know how you feel but there is nothing left to do but wait... I know that sounds boring but the quickest way to pass the time is not to think about your cruise. Unfortunately that never worked for me so I would plan out every minute of the first day from the time I left my house to the time I arrived at port to the time I was up on the Lido Deck eating my first lunch!

Hope that helps!


Not think about your cruise??? Not possible!! :grin I think booking another cruise is a good idea! :lol Don't worry....the time will fly and you'll be onboard before you know it!!


Since you posted this yesterday than today would make 36 days

36 days can be converted to one of these units:
3,110,400 seconds
51,840 minutes
864 hours
5 weeks (rounded down)

you can get these and other exciting time calculations from

Enjoy your short countdown and =funsign on your cruise.