Tipping Question



On Princess, if the waiter or someone else does something special and I hand him an extra $10.00, does he get to keep that money or does he have to pool the tip?


He has to share it with the ship's godmother :)

I think all end-of-cruise tips are pooled but don't think it would be fair to have to pool an above and beyond tip, but don't really know.


Princess charges your account so much per day for the dining room waiter and your room stewart, these are pooled. If you hand a bar waiter an extra they get to keep it. Casino dealers pool their tips.


Just got off the Golden Princess and talked with many of the ships personnel. This is what they told me. If you:
1. Leave your tip on the onboard charge, tips are pooled.
2 Leave your tip on the onboard charge and give somone extra cash, they keep the cash for themselves. They do turn it in and then they get the cash back the next day after the cruise finishes. They do not have to pool that extra cash.
3. Cancel or do not use onboard charging of tips, they must pool the tips.

Apparently, they must turn in the cash to ensure that the passenger also tipped via onboard credit. If the passenger cancelled onboard credit tipping, they will pool the cash. Happy Cruising!!


Pretty much heard the same info as asctony from last years Golden cruise. IMO this is or has a HUGE effect on some of the dropoff in service as there is REALLY a reduced incentive for performance because of the pooling of the tips NO matter what. Very Sad indeed as the Excellent waiters suffer to keep the mediocre ones afloat. :(


Lady Jag

I couldn't agree more, Einstein. Incentive-based pay seems to really motivate the good waiters. If I was waiting those tables and working my *utt off, and the guy next to me wasn't working at all, but got the same tips, I'd really be irritated. I think this system works for the mediocre service personnel. They have a guaranteed tip amount, so why do more than they have to?

As passengers, I guess the way to work around it is to give the waiter, asst. waiter or cabin steward cash over and above the usual amount, should they deserve it.


On the automatic tips, they get pooled. The incentive to work harder is to get that extra tip that doesn't have to be pooled. If you hand them an envelope at the end of the cruise, the individual gets to eventually get the amount. If my waiter is working his butt off and the one at the next table isn't, I doubt the guy at the next table is getting any tips beyond the auto-tipping. Mine is making extra money that he/she gets to keep.

Whereas, if you remove the auto tipping, everything you hand to them is pooled. They write down your name and cabin number so it can be accessed whether you had auto-tipping on or not.


Princess Di

Peabody: You are correct.
Einstein: You are not correct.
The major reason that the crewmember turns in the money (even when tips are left in place) is to get the credit for it because: his (or her) performance evaluations, promotions, and raises are directly based on how well they do on tips. This is a far better incentive to be honest and turn in the tips. The slackers are soon filtered out by this process. The team management concept is also an incentive to do well. Automatic tipping is not a disincentive - it just tells those pax (especially non-Yanks) that they ought to be tipping and what amounts. The system has proven to work well. One big incentive is to write up a C.R.U.I.S.E. card when you get exceptional service. I write several cards on each sailing. The crew will fall all overthemselves when you brag on them. These CRUISE kudos also count toward their raises. Hope this helps all understand the tipping process.


Last year on the Dawn I tipped the cabin steward the 1st day and again in the middle of the week. I had excellent service and many times he would drop what he was doing when I asked for something. It was worth the extra cash. I will be sailing on the Golden in March and plan to do the same thing.


EXCUSE meeeeeeeeeeeeeee in my sweetest southern voice!!!!!!non -YANKS what does that mean??????? This TEXAN tips extra :).
Have a wondrful cruise.


Don't me too offended I think that Princess Di means non-Americans, not us Southerners!