And the tip list will not include your wine steward. If you intend to order wines at dinner, you will want to tip them separately, if you do the pre-paid thing. I prefer pre-pay when I make my reservation, then tip as I the people who knock themselves out for me, i.e. although there is a gratuity automatically added to the bar bill, I alway add an additional tip for my champagne guy, I usually give him an extra $20 every few days or so. And I always tip "extra" for my steward. But this is all a matter of how much you ask of them, (I ask alot) and their level of service, and of course, your own discretion.
You can also go to My Celebrity on the celebrity website, and in your booking, under manage reservations, you can add the tips right there on your credit card. So, it's done well before you board. One less thing to remember.