Safety Officer
I would like to again thank you all for your continued prayers for my ex. Today's the day! He's been in the hospital since last Tuesday receiving massive doses of chemo to kill his immune system. And today.....he will receive the new stem cells. It's not a major surgery or anything, and the new stem cells are given just like a blood transfusion. I've gone to visit him several times this past week, and he's still feeling good (by the grace of far no ill side effects from the chemo), and he looks good. I realize that the chemo has an accumulative effect and he could start to feel effects soon. But his other chemo treatments in the past haven't affected him adversely like they do some people, so I'm hoping this time will be no different. It's still a long road ahead...perhaps as much as a year.....but at least the long road to recovery has begun. Please pray that his body doesn't reject the new stem cells and/or the new stem cells don't reject his body.