"Tranquility Shores" Beach break on Grand Bahama- any info please!!!!!!!!



I have searched several web sites and most info re: Bahamas centers around Nassau. Since RCCL also goes to Grand Bahama Island I have a question. There is the ship excursion called "tranquility shores" that is basically a beach break with food, chairs, facilities. We really want to just hang out at a beach that day but don't know if we want to get a cab and do it on our own- we are doing that at all the other ports but here we just wanted to relax. There is a website for Tranquility Shores and it seems like it is a locally ownde private beach area with facilities and several ships use it as well as locals. Can anyone please tell me about this place? Can't get anyone to respond at other websites and I am wondering if we are the only people who have ever been interested in this excursion :) . We need to book this soon if it sounds nice. Just wondering how crowded it is, enough chairs, worth the money, etc. Thanks!!!!! MO