Traveler's Checks /Cash on Princess..


Cruise cutie

We have never had any problems cashing our AMEX traveler's checks on nine Princess cruises.or any of our Hotels... . we simply stop at the Purser's desk sign, our names, and cabin staterom number, get the cash, and we are on our our Hotels the same thing.. we tend ot keep smaller ammounts of cash on hand in our room safe..never had any issues.. what's the other Princess folks experiences???...:)..Joanne


Traveler's Checks are a royal pain to me. I bring some cash and charge everything else. I check my credit card online and pay it off as soon as the charges appear from the cruise line.

I'll never forget the first few cruises when I brought Traveler's Checks for the whole shipboard account for all 4 of us. It took FOREVER to stand there at the Purser's Desk and sign about $3,000 worth of Traveler's Checks! :p Never again! Especially after traveling in Europe, I've learned to use ATMs and credit cards as much as possible. :)


I haven't used traveler's cheques for a long time but I remember using them onboard ship without any problem. Like Bobbie I generally take a little cash (mostly for tips) and use a credit card for anything else. The traveler's cheques are definitely a much safer bet than carrying large sums of cash...and definitely worth the few minutes it takes to sign them!

Cruise cutie

it's as a rule we only cash 100-200.00 at a time.. generally it's a convenience.. we leave our sign and sail charges on AMEX.. those free frequent flier miles you know!!..:grin..but I abhore carrying big amounts of cash.yet want the convenience of not having to have to hit an ATM..good to know we all have the options available..:)..Joanne


I just got off the ship and cashed about $500 in traveler's checks this trip. No problems. I take cash, traveler checks, credit cards, debit cards....We are prepared for anything! LOL


If you need cash there are cash machines on ship where you put your credit card in. There are other machines where you put notes in and it changes it to dollars. Such as myself putting in pound notes to change to euros/dollars (Mediteranean cruise)
You don't need any cash on ship, it's only when you go ashore.
Everything is paid for via your plastic, cabin key card. Even then there's basically only drinks to pay for.Otherwise if you do take cash the safe in your cabin is what it