HI. Hope you get this in time. I've seen youngsters on all sorts of shore excursions, but so far no infants. But here are some suggestions to help make life a little easier. Ask the tour desk about specific restrictions that apply to children. Some excursions aren't appropriate or safe for babies and these pros will help you figure out which ones you all can enjoy. Take that car seat, stroller, diaper bag, foods, lots of sun screen, and wipes. Toilet facilities in the Caribbean can range from very nice indeed to "you mean I have to go in THERE???" You might all enjoy a trip to a hotel/beach where facilities are nicer and more family friendly. This might not be the year for a hike through a rain forest. Take a good look at the length of excursions and determine whether baby can nap comfortably on a jiggling bus. You'll also want to factor in feeding times and diaper changes. Yup, baby's in charge now!! Have a great trip and welcome to the new little cruiser.