I only listened to a portion of the video, it bored me. The guy was a complainer. One thing that alerted me was about the sarcastic complaints about the change of embarkment out of Galvastin instead of New Orleans. If the man watched the news he would have expected this, and be glad there was an alterntative. If he booked a specific cabin, he would get the cabin he booked. If you book a gaurentee, you get what you get! Emabarkment and disembarkment are up to the port authorities, and I hope he never sails out of Long Beach, CA, try Florida ports, much better. My Royal Carribian cruise was not up to expectations, but we decided the cruise was what we make of it, and we still enjoyed. although we never did RC again. I sailed the Conquest when it was still out of NO, so maybe I am predjiced. One good thing, I don't have to worry about this complainer to be on one of my Carnival cruises in the future.