has anyone noticed that this ship rocks & rollsi havn't been on her yet but have read a couple of messages that she is top heavy because of the extra deck but i can't beleive this would be true any thoughts?
=sailor We've been on the CP and it does roll more than other ships we've been on, although we never noticed anything violent. We never hit rough water, but sitting on the Lido deck and looking out at the horizon you could definately see it roll big time, although it was not noticeable unless you were looking at it. I wouldn't worry about it unless someone has been on it during rough seas and replies below to the contrary...
I'd be interested myself to see what others have to say who have sailed her before.
When they design a ship, they don't design them to be top heavy. Just the opposite in fact. All the machinery is situated at the bottom mainly and that alone weighs thousands of tons. The passenger areas which would be the upper decks don't weigh nearly as much. The upper decks are usually light materials.
Just got off her on 7/24 and did not notice any rolling or added movement. But then again I don't usually feel any movement on these newer ships. Having sailed on the old ones like Regent Rainbow, Oceanbreeze, Premier's Majestic and Oceanic. Now those were ships that one could feel the movement.
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