Update on Jan

red stripe

Staff Captain
We talked with her daughter and she said to tell everyone that Jan came through the surgery fine. It took longer than they expected because of the amount of scar tissue. But the areas have been repaired and strengthened with mesh, so hopefully this will prevent further trouble at least in those two areas.

Her daughter is going up to see her later on today and said she will call with an update, that if she calls me.. I will add it here instead of making multiple posts.


Staff Captain
red thanks for the update I will check in later to see how jan is doing


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Prayers she recovers quickly and is comfortable as it proceeds. Thanks for the update, red.

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
Good thoughts and prayers from here too..so grateful..I could use a few more months of good stuff for @ddicts..!!!~Joanne


Staff Captain
Glad that it is over & hope for a quick recovery.


Staff Captain
Hugs to Jan - hope her recovery goes smoothly!



Staff Captain
Glad things went well. Thank you for the update.


Trivia Specialist
Good to hear the surgery is over with and deemed successful! Now wishing Jan a quick recovery and good healing. Hopefully she will be bright as a new penny from here on!!


Staff Captain
Thank you, Red. I am glad to hear that all went well. Now she just has to heal and get back home.

Looking forward to hear more good news down the road.


Staff Captain
Glad the surgery is over and hope she is comfortable and has a speedy recovery.


1st Officer - Navigation
Glad that all went well.......now the hopefully short road to recovery.


Forever Remembered
Thank you for the update. I don't know what surgery Jan had (nothing unusual for me to be clueless) but I certainly wish her a speedy recovery.


Staff Captain
Thank you for the update. I don't know what surgery Jan had (nothing unusual for me to be clueless) but I certainly wish her a speedy recovery.
I never figured that out either, Mary Ann, but hope it was nothing VERY SERIOUS and that she is feeling comfortable today and will improve enough to go home shortly.