Update on my friend..........


Safety Officer
Thank you all for your prayers. Her daughter did not call me on Tuesday and I worried all day and night. I did call the hospital yesterday morning, but of course with all the privacy laws, they would not tell me anything. Working in a hospital myself, I already knew they weren't going to let me know anything. But....her daughter did finally call me around 4:45 p.m. yesterday. Paula made it through the surgery fine and was doing well. She is of course in ICU and will be there for the next 2-3 days. Thank you all again......prayers DO work!


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update. Hope she continues to recover without further issue.


Trivia Specialist
This is great news...I'm praying that she has a complete recovery and is home with Princess very soon!

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
That is so terrific Nita..!!..:).prayers continue..:)..Joanne

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Glad that the surgery went well for your friend.

Hopefully her recovery will go as well.

Prayers for your friend.


Staff Captain
Glad to hear that your friend pulled through the surgery - now I will keep the prayers going for continued improvement!



Forever Remembered
Nita - I'm glad for the promising update. I pray your friends has an uneventful recovery.


Mary Ann