Updated Veendam Photologue Now Online


Hello Everyone,

I had previously published a photologue for the Veendam which became outdated after she received extensive upgrades in early 2009. I have just published an updated version reflecting the enhancements.

Please note that you should be able to click on the smaller images and a viewing window should come up with the title for the photo. I've learned that this function does not work on all browsers.

The photologue can be found from the main page of my site.

I hope that it is found useful!

Enjoy and have a great day!



Forever Remembered
You could not have posted at a more opportune time. Thank you!

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thanks for the pictures -- enjoyed them. But after having looked at some of the new areas, I don't think that we will be booking the Veendam again any time soon.