


Hello everyone,
I booked an inside guarantee on the Grand for June 15th. Within 2 weeks the cruise personalizer at princess.com stated that I had an assigned cabin. While surfing the net I checked the prices for the assigned cabin and found out that the category was sold out (on 2 different web sites) not even any guarantees. Do I still have a chance at an upgrade, or should I contact my TA and offer to pay the reduced prices on my own upgrade. The difference in price between my cabin and an outside balconey (obstructed) is less than $200 and outside balcony with no obstruction about $300.


Pay the $300. Would you stay in a hotel that had no windows in the room? Part of cruising is the beautiful view and it is great having breakfast on the veranda in the morning.


While I'm a bit of a cruise-snob, always insisting on at least a balcony cabin -- I do see the advantages to an inside cabin. The first being that it's cheaper, the second being that you can sleep as late as you want in the morning without the sun waking you. I do, however, think that paying for an 'upgrade' to an obstructed view cabin is useless. The only time I was ever in one was on the Dawn -- and I may as well have been in an inside cabin. I also think a view without a balcony is just a big tease -- because 95% of your time in your cabin is spent sitting or laying down, and you can't see any view unless you walk to the window and look out when you have just a standard outside cabin. If you have a good rate, I'd risk it -- and see if enough people buy behind you to bump you up a few categories. Just my opinion.


Just want to clarify something. Unless they've recently changed their categorization on the Grand, I don't believe any of the balconies are listed as "obstructed." The only possible ones could be the BEs and BFs forward on Emerald. Could you be looking at obstructed outside and unobstructed outside instead? Those would be categories HH to C. Balcony cabins are listed as BA-BF categories.

Just want to be sure you know what you're paying for :)