Upgrades from Carnival



Has anyone ever gotten an upgrade from a Carnival TA after they have booked a cruise? I read that a lot of people get upgraded and it's always through a Travel Agent that is independant. Why doesn't Carnival do upgrades? I've cruised twice with Carnival and have never gotten an upgrade after they've gotten my cash. However, after getting on board ship, have heard stories how someones TA moved them up a week before, etc.

Seems the independant TAs give better upgrades and prices than Carnival.


Hey Norman, We got a fantastic upgrade and went through out local TA. Went from a cat 8A guaranteed to cat 11 and didn't know until we boarded. Our next door neighbors on deck 7 paid over $1000 more than us for the same thing because they picked the room they wanted through Carnival. Have a good one.......


both time that we have received an upgrade has been working with a TA but the first cruise I also started calling Carnival myself about two weeks prior to the cruise when I notived that the priced dropped a small amount ($40.00) and they upgraded me one level over the phone. By the time we got to the ship we had been upgraded from a category 4A inside cabin to a Oceanvie 6F on the spa deck. This time we still have a over a month to go and we have already been upgraded from a 6B to the category 11 suite with a balcony, how awesome is that. I do believe the TA is a lot of help but it doesn't hurt to call Carnival yourself, you never know the worse they can say is no. Good Luck!
