Using a debit card?



My friends and I are cruising in late August on the Island Princess (Seward - Vancouver).

I've paid for their cruise....but they are "responsible" for extras, like excursions, stuff on board.

Their problem: they don't have a credit card! (56 years old, married 33 years, cash-only folks. No mortgage, no car loans, no "credit rating" so can't get a card.)

They do have a debit card. And could bring checks, and/or cash.

Can they make a cash deposit at the purser's desk at the beginning of the cruise, and get credited at the end? Will they be able to *use* the debit card (meaning they could leave their cash at home)? Can they use checks??

I'm going to try to encourage them to book excursions prior to boarding (put them on my credit card, and pay me back). But I know they'll have on-board purchases, if only sodas (they don't drink alcohol either. Yes, I know...weird... :) )


Cash is better than debit cards because they will hold a certain amount each day and if they want to use their debit/master card in port they may or may not have enough available. Travelers checks are great. I also gave a more detailed response on the community board.

Laurie :wave


Thanks, I saw the responses there, too. I'll suggest the travelers checks idea to them, too.

Life is *so* much easier with a "real" charge card! :)


I agree with Ljean that Travelers Checks would be the way to go. They can be put down as payment for the onboard charges . Enjoy!!!
