Using Birth Certificate as residency proof.....??




I was just wondering...

I am using my Birth Certificate to visit the islands in the Caribbean.

When I pulled out my B.C. I realized it had been torn in two places (literally, my B.C. was in three pieces but easily repaired) - I repaired it with tape, and it looks fine. I guess 30 years of being folded in a plastic protector wore out the creases...

Will this effect me being able to visit the islands? I was told by a travel agent this is nothing to worry about, but I am wondering.

Has anyone ever witnessed a passenger being refused to disembark at an island because of documentation?



If you are really worried you can order a qualified birth certificate from the department of records in the state where you were born. I paid about $10. Takes about a week. Most states have web pages you can order one over.
If you are going to Barbados though as a stop you will need a passport just to get on the boat...(new law march 1st).


If you don't have the right documentation, official birth certificate or passport plus govenment picture ID, and a passport is now required as of march first if you go to Barbados. it won't be disembarking that is the problem.
You won't be getting on the ship in the first place, and no refunds for showing up without the right documents.
So you want to be sure what you have is what is needed.