Video Cameras



It's a silly question but do they allow video cameras on the ships? I dont remember seeing anyone with them on my last cruise.And yes I know, u cant use them in casinos :D

Also, the safes in the cabins, if they do allow me to bring the camera, are they big enough to store the video cam when I am not using it?


It's not a silly question... And the answer is yes, you can bring your video camera onboard. We've taken our video camera on every cruise, and enjoy watching the video when we're home and having cruise withdraw! lol!

As for the safes in the cabin, depending on the size of your camera... The safes are pretty small. They're approx 10" D x 10" H x 12" W

If you have an 8 mm camera like we do, you shouldnt have a problem.


We have taken our video camera on every cruise. The only place I have heard of them telling you that you cannot use them is to video tape the shows in the showroom. I have video taped in every public room on a cruise ship including the casino but I usually try to video tape when the casino is not in operation. I like the least amount of people in the picture.


We had our VHS-C camera stored in our safe, along with the digital camera, and rechargable batteries and my credit cards, with a little more room to spare. We were on Carnival Spirit.

next one:
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We have a small camcorder and was able to store it in the safe on the "Holiday". However, MANY people had trouble on top deck getting their camcorders to work as we kept getting this "too much condensation" issue. You can get a product at your local "flea market" with a product that says you can clean your glasses and they won't fog up! If works, just spray a small amount on the lens of your camcorder and it works!My camcorder worked when others did not so I just shared with them and let them spray their lenses because it is likely you will have this problem if you do not.


Thanks to everyone who responded. Im cruising on Destiny and I should be fine with taking the camcorder onboard. It's not a tiny camcorder..its called a palmcorder. Hopefully it will fit.If not, I'll try and hide it well :)

P.S. I'll def pick up that stuff to prevent condensation. Thanks for the tip!


We lock ours in one of the suitcases we keep under the bed. It is very naive of me, but I believe all the room stewards are very honest, but it is better to be safe than sorry .