Vision of the seas-May 1st.



Hi there,

My wife, Meagen, and my four-month-old son, Asher, and my parents will be going on this cruise. Our first cruise... we are looking forward to it!



Hi Nathan,

I am going with my fiance or maybe my husband by then. We talking about it getting married on that Saturday before the cruise. My sister and her husband are going with us and are celebrating there 2nd Annivsary. I will also being celebrating my birthday on the 7th. Have you been on this ship? We have not, here is link that give you a really good review of ship with good pictures. It long review, but very good.



No docs for us yet... but we spent the afternoon running around, applying for a passport for our 4 1/2 month old son. We thought it would be better to be safe than we will be armed with plenty of documents to prove that he's ours.

I have been looking on the net for information on the ports, and on port excursions available off of the ship. I did find one dated review that has some interesting and helpful suggestions:

All the best on your preparations, and on your [possible] nuptials!



I sure you will have your doc's soon. It is better than safe than sorry on documentation. I found out about this guy named Frank who does private tours in Mazatlan. I have hear alot of good things about him and his tours from another cruise chat website. In fact he needs a min. of 6 people and we look to share the tour with others, since we are only 2. He has me on a waiting list to see if he gets more interest on the day we are at port. His website is if you interested in going on this tour let me know. He has gotten rave reviews on from other cruisers. I also, received a crusiers guide for P.V. from a local women who lives there. It has alot good info on it. Email me, and I will foward it to you if you like. Bob and Wendy did great review on the ship and ports in the reviews section on this website.


BTW: My fiance has a 4 1/2 months old granddaugter. It is his first, we are having so much fun with her. It probably sounds like we old. He is in mid 40's and I am in my mid 30's.


Hey Nathan,

Are you ready yet? I am half-way pack and we desided on doing one excursion the one in Mazatlan. The other ports we are going to explore on own and maybe hang out at resorts. I can't believe all clothes we have to take. I think I am insane. I probably won't use but half of stuff we are taking. The good thing is we not flying. We are taking a limo to ship so no driving. Good luck packing.
