We are leaving in a WEEK !!!



Okay Grand Cruisers Dec 7th,,,, one week to go, this time next week we will all be getting ready for dinner...

Any one doing personal choice dining??

And have we come to a conclusion of where to meet???

Cant wait :)

Jim in NC

We had our "4 days till we leave, 7 days till we're on the ship" party last night with Pat & Johnny. We discovered that no one had bothered to go into training for the cruise so we had four bottles of champagne to start getting in shape. We are READY!

Two places to meet so far.

First is the Caribe deck forward sometime around 3 - 4 on Sunday. I think our group has 8 cabins in that section. Look for the door signs and the sound of champagne being consumed.

The second is on Monday on Princess Cay. As you come off the dock, turn right away from the crowd and look for the blow up palm tree.

See you in 6 days.


WHEW!! YEA!! while you DO your personal dinner, we'll choose personal dining!!

I asked some people here if they like to DO personal dining.. they said no. that's disgusting. .we'll choose it.

C'mon guys! Let's bring some of those big bad ships up here so we can DO some more ships! ummmm.. have more ships to choose from!

Enough with these tug boats and ferries.!!!!