What are Celebrity docs like?



I've only been on one other cruise, on RCCL. Nice docs, in a nice wire-bound book, if I remember correctly. Are all docs like that? Are they all the same? Will Celebrity docs have preprinted luggage tags with our names and cabin number on them?


some people have been receiving e document boarding papers and if that is the case you dont get a boarding pass til you are at the pier checking in your luggage


Yes, Glo, it's a wire-bound book just like RCI's, with your pre-printed luggage tags. Used to be a faux-leather folder with all the stuff loose, but the new format is much handier.


I thought the book was classy and functional. Info was very clear. Much better than some paper envelope where you're always afraid something important is going to fall out and get lost. The book gave a good appearance of being very personalized, which of course it is not


We just received our docs and they are in a wirebound book with preprinted luggage tags. Very nice as nothing falls out or gets lost. All the shore excursions are listed as well.

Mary Elizabeth

Just received my docs for 11-day Mexican Riviera cruise. Not e-docs. The regular spiral bound book. Have heard people gettting edocs, though I don't know how that happens.


Well, I cruise in June. Any chance they'll send my docs in January? Yeah, I didn't think so....


Hey Glorya!

Celebrity normally sends the spiral bound booklet, but if your travel agent requested e-docs that's what you will get. Some online agents request the e-docs to cut down on their time consumed going over the paper docs and sending them out to you. If you book close to sail date then Celebrity automatically sends e-docs. Our travel agent has Celebrity send the docs directly to us instead of to her. This works nicely since that means we get them a little quicker than if she had to resend them. Ask your TA what kind of docs you will be getting--she knows!

Have you filled out the online documentation? The new Celebrity web site has a lot more capacity to individualize your cruise experience. Oh, did you decide on whether to bring the hammock?! :)


ha ha... no, not gonna bring the hammock! That's space I can fill up with a wine bottle! I'll contact my TA now! Thanks for the heads up!


Just received mine by email and was not given an option. I was under the impression that there was no option and that if you did not have email that the TA would have to print them off. The info is the same whether email or by mail. After 13 cruises the doc thing is not quite as exciting as it once was.


MortgageChick Wrote:
> Just received mine by email and was not given an
> option. I was under the impression that there was
> no option and that if you did not have email that
> the TA would have to print them off. The info is
> the same whether email or by mail. After 13
> cruises the doc thing is not quite as exciting as
> it once was.
There is a difference. The edocs, whether you or your TA print them out, are not the same as the spiral bound book. The book has much more info, as well as the luggage tags.


I don't remember there being an option. Do you have to request the spiral bound book?


MortgageChick Wrote:
> I don't remember there being an option. Do you
> have to request the spiral bound book?
Not normally. Did you book with a TA who sends edocs? If so, call and see if you can have the book instead. I have heard of some TA's charging more to send the book. Some online agencies only use the edocs to reduce their cost. If you booked direct with Celebrity call and ask what kind of documents they will send you.

The edocs are fairly new. They used to be sent only when a booking was made within 60 days of the sail date. Now TA's have the option to have them sent instead of the book. It saves them time and postage resending them to their clients. However, TA's can request tht the documents (book) be sent directly to the cruiser, bypassing the TA. This is what our TA does for us since we are in a different state from her.


I just received mine in a spiral bound book with tags. I wasn't given any "Options" but I would have opted for the book, so that's fine. I booked through Travelocity.

By the way, at two points I called the travel agent at Travelocity and found them to be extremely cordial and helpful. I wasn't sure what it would be like booking through an online TA but was very happy with these guys.