Celebrity's new pricing policies have caused some faithful Celebrity cruisers to change lines, but there are no other visible effects. One interesting outcome has been how the TA's have reacted, since they cannot compete on price any longer. Since they all charge the same rates now, it is becoming more and more common that they engage in giving away "sweetners". If you look around a little, you will find deals that give away free travel insurance, free excursions, free hotel add-ons, and ship-board credits. So, even though there are no "discounts" from TA's, they are already finding ways to compensate.
There are as many opinions of whether they are returning to their "former premium status" as there are people. Conde Nast rates their M-Class ships as the best afloat in their class, which excludes Seabourn, Crystal, etc. And, their introduction of a concierge class stateroom with many extra perks has largely been a success. Finally, their re-branding initiatives -- boarding champagne, sorbets poolside, cool towells dockside when reboarding, etc -- have been visible efforts to restore distinctiveness. Many of the old stand-bys still remain, like very few PA announcements, high ratio of service personnel to passengers, etc.
The subject of Michael Roux's cuisine generates lots of discussion. It remains more European than
most other lines, and that doesn't appeal to many folks but is a Celebrity strength to others. The food remains good, in my opinion, but I do not think there is any other area of the experience where budget pressure has been more obvious. I personally believe that the cuisine remains better than any other mass market line, but the gap between it and its competitors has gotten slimmer.
On the other hand, it is absolutely true that Celebrity has followed the industry herd in trying to nickle and dime you to death by trying to selling you bottled water at dinner, trying to push its specialty restaurant which now even has an upgrade $$ option in addition to the cover charge), and making the normal spa treatment and beauty product pitches if you walk anywhere near the place. So, they have not been perfect by any means.
For my wife and I, Celebrity remains our cruise line of choice, but the gap between them and other good lines isn't what it used to be. And, the price premium is growing. So, I think the jury is still out on them. As an RCI stock holder, I want / need them to be successful. We do, however, cruise other lines more
now than we used to.