What are you doing now?


What are you doing now to get ready for the cruise on Equinox? I have been dreaming of sitting in Maw's office sharing a cold drink with friends and chatting or wandering in a small town hitting the flea markets and stopping at sidewalk bar and watching people.


Staff Captain
I am dreaming right along with U maw as I look at this HUGE pile of paperwork looking at me. The Holiday Season usually flies by and once we get into the NEW Year we know ALL to WELL have fast those Feb. embarkation days approach. :banana:E has got to sit down and start checking his excursion check list to see what grand ideas pop out at him. :bbat:


Staff Captain
spending time at maw office it been a few years since we have cruised together and seeing all the cruise addicts new and old.,

red stripe

Staff Captain
Jeanie.. I want to go on every darn cruise that everyone goes on :) I want to win enough money to be able to cruise whenever I want to. But so far the Lottery spirits are denying me my wish