What does Princess NOT do well?


Lady Jag

Just to balance out the other post, what does Princess have that isn't so great?

(again, these are all opinions and may, or may not be, fact.)

I think Princess needs help in the engineering department, especially with their stabilizers and the way the ships tend to rock & roll more than others.


I actually LIKE the rocking and rolling! :)

On our first Princess cruise, on the Sun Princess, Seward to Vancouver -- maybe it was because the weather was "perfect" -- bright sunny days (this was in June), calm seas --

it sometimes felt like we weren't on a ship at all, it was so smooth.

But this time, on the Island Princess -- I just got home yesterday -- the weather was windy, cold, rainy, blowing -- and I felt rocked to sleep every night. I could tell I was on a ship, and it felt great!

I will acknowledge that one of my friends travelling with me wasn't so happy about it -- felt pretty shaky one morning. And my husband got a bit queasy. But he acknowledges he's not sure it was the motion of the ship, or the 10-year-old scotch he was consuming at the time... :)


For a line with a British influence, their tea selection stinks. I can get Lipton at home. I want some Earl Gray or English Breakfast Tea.

And from what my wife tells me the coffee is nothing to write home about either.


The coffee is the major complaint I hear about, although my sister doesn't seem to have a problem with it (I don't drink coffee).



I don't drink much so I really can't comment about it, but I have seen several selections, as my friend like Green Tea.

As for the coffee (sorry), but I like it !


If you ask for other teas they are available, but I have to agree that a British line serving Lipton as the standard tea choice is WRONG, wrong, wrong. Esp. at afternoon tea. If you ask for Earl Grey at afternoon tea, you will get it, but in a small little pot. They don't pour for you and the little pot only has one cup in it, and you have to add the tea bag and steep it yourself, not really "afternoon tea" or even a properly made cup of tea.

I also think Princess needs lemonade. I really enjoy vodka and lemonade as a hot weather cocktail. Oh well.

I think they have fixed this problem, but on my first Grand sailing the used powdered cream in room service and the buffet. The only thing to make bad coffee worse is powdered cream.

I would also like to see pool towels available at the pool. I hate having to drag one with me.

Oh yeah and shampoo/conditioner in paper packets.

and too many auctions. way too many auctions.

Considering how long this list is I sound like I have a lot of gripes. Not true. I have always really loved Princess. I hope I still do now that they are part of Carnival.


This is easy, everything about Princess Lines is wonderful. We have been on The Queen Mary (1957) The Arcadia (1972) and Four cruises wirh Princess Lines. But last year they served Concentrated Liquid Coffee in gallon cans which many of the passengers said they could not drink! Now we are waiting to find out if they still do that! Because if they do neither my large family,or some of my 1500 strong Garden Club or most of my Masonic Lodge will ever use them again!
Why, because in Canada and the USA they serve the best coffee in the World!
Norman Howard


The coffee has been fair to undrinkable on every cruise I have been on. The Brilliance this July was no exception.


I don't like the art auctions mucking up the passageways..........but I DO think that Princess DOES them very well!!! :)


Thanks, everyone.

Gearing up for my Princess cruise in December--psyched that you all have so little to complain about!


The one thing we would like is for Princess to put love seats in the regular balcony cabins instead of just a chair. I know they do it for the mini-suites and suites but it would be nice to have in a plain ole balcony cabin. See I really had to dig to mention something :lol they really are a class act.

Laurie :wave


Umm, just a word of advice for those of you who don't like a ship rocking and rolling. Perhaps you would be better suited to a land based holiday. A ship is on the water, water moves, therefore it goes without saying that even with the best stabilizers in the world a ship that stands 15 or more stores above the waterline is going to rock and roll.

Lady Jag

cruiseryyc - All cruise ships vary in movement. Just because one ship or class of ships move more than others doesn't mean someone should abandon cruising all together. I think that's why it's important to try a wide variety of ships and cruise lines. It gives a better perspective. :)


My husband says the room service coffee is better than anywhere else on the ship.. and I hate the artificial half & half, it make my tea taste funky, (I agree about the Lipton). Does anyone know if they have Equal on board,?? We are on the Coral Princess in 32 days (10/20/03) and I need to know if I have to pack Equal.


I wish they'd give free pop-corns when they show a movie *;O)* It's a detail, I know... but it would be nice. Apart from that, I don't have anything to complain about, personally. I heard though the people working at the spa can be quite pushy with their costumers to sell the spa's products.


Dirty pillows!! Just returned from the Baltic on the Regal Princess. It was the third Princess cruise within a year span that we had to request clean pillows and clean covers (the outside cases were clean but the zippered case inside and the pillows contained stains of every variety). They are always replaced with apologies but this is way over the edge...especially since they had an outbreak of Norwalk Virus 4 days after we disembarked in Copenhagen. We are booked on the Tahitian in March '04...if we experience the same problem, we're done with Princess...which is unfortunate because they do everything else so well.
Regal 8/03
Star 6/03
Star 4/03
Star 9/02
Sea 5/02
Sea 4/01
Sky 6/98
Star 4/96

Sara Lee

stabilizers .
I almost did not get on another ship as I was sick the first three days and mostly felt kind of dizzy all the cruise ..

It was only slight conditions also .. Now I Have been on 3 others Royal and Carnival and they did not bother me