What Happened?



This board used to be pretty lively. What happened to everyone? Where's the posts?


Sadly, it's been years since the really busy, loads of posts days on this Board. All of C@ used to be very active. It's too bad it is slower these days as John does a great job IMO and he's been at it for years but I can almost trace back to just when things got much quieter here and they never picked up again the way they used to be.
It's a fine board with a great group of people. Knowledgeable, nice, fun....... just not enough active posters who read and write often. We really could use some folks who ask tons of questions, bring up fun subjects to discuss. The more busy the Board gets, the more people it would attract. If someone stops by and sees no action, they don't hang around, I don't think.
C@ offers tons of info and it's great there is PM that not all the boards have. I wish I knew how to make this place more busy. :) I've always liked it here.

Krazy Kruizers

I think that one of the reasons this section isn't as busy as it used to be is because this site has had problems and gone down a few times.


No. I don't think so.
What BB has never gone down? I seriously doubt there's any connection. If people left here when the site had a down time, they would have roamed back eventually.

They all are inaccessible from time to time whether planned or not.

I posted here before I ever posted elsewhere on other cruise boards if I remember correctly....but I'm going back about 8 or more years so maybe not. :S


Well, I was thinking of posting nude photos of myself to generate intrest, but figured no one needs a laugh that badly... And no Globug, it doesn't come in an adult size!

Krazy Kruizers

I can speak for myself - I joined many, many yeears ago as well -- and each time there seem to be problems here -- I left for quite a while. Also many of my reviews disappeared -- this I got discouraged posting here.


Krazy Kruizers said:
I can speak for myself - I joined many, many yeears ago as well -- and each time there seem to be problems here -- I left for quite a while. Also many of my reviews disappeared -- this I got discouraged posting here.

Posts and reviews DO disappear a lot around here...must be a Cruise Addicts Black Hole somewhere...:?


Krazy Kruizers said:
Yeah -- but I don't do reviews anymore.

After all the years we've been sailing, visiting these boards and writing reviews..... How many are enough?

Most of the ones we have written are getting old now anyway? When it gets to be two years or so post cruise, lots of the info is no longer that helpful. IMO What you wrote about dining, is 'old news'. Cruise staff and crew in general is old news. Condition of the ship can change. Too many things are fluid on ships that make a two year old review less useful. Even quality of the tours can change. May be new providers. Tours you took two years ago may no longer be offered.


sail7seas said:
Have you sailed HAL yet, Conniemc?

I sailed HAL for nearly 20 years. Then switched "up" to Celebrity in the late 90's.

Then all hell broke loose, and now I throw a dart to choose a line.


Funny..... we sailed Celebrity in our earlier years of cruising and left to never return.

When Chandris owned Celebrity, things were very different from how it is with Royal Caribbean. Once was enough with them. We never went back and can't think we ever will.

That's what is so great. Choices. Lots of choices.
We choose HAL. :) :) Exclusively.


Having never cruise on Celebrity. but i will next year on the Equinox feb 26. I have no opinion. but having
cruise 5 times with HAL, I have never had a bad cruise , I will be on the Westerdam this fal and I am
sure it will be a great one!!l


Hi Earl.......

We've sailed almost all the HAL ships muiltiple times but have not yet cruised Westerdam. No particular reason.... just haven't had the right date, or right itinerary yet but hopefully we'll correct that soon.

Hope you enjoy Westerdam and will post some comments about your cruise.


Well..... :)

Seems we'll have to drag ourselves off Maasdam, Eurodam and Noordam and try out Westerdam one of these days.
While you were busy sailing Westerdam KK, we sailed about 45 or something days just on Maasdam in the last 12 months and have another cruise booked for August.

We had a Westerdam cruise booked but sadly had to cancel it.


This will be my second time on the Westerdam. I enjoy it last time and I am sure I will this time.
There has been a few changes since last time. It will be like cruising for the first time aboard her