In light of your hostility, here are some facts from CDC, not CCL.
11/13/04 sailing of the Legend
51 pax, 42 crew with possible norovirus
thats 93 of 3030 on board or 3.07% ill
meaning 96.93% well.
[Odd that the crew, stuck on board for months at a time, always have fewer ill than the pax do. If the ship was "sick" shouldn't large numbers of crew be sick too?]
11/21/2004 sailing of the Legend figures not complete but slightly lower than 11/13 sailing.
Also from CDC.
Sanitation scores of the Legend [X out of 100]
10/16/2003 98
3/2/2003 92
10/30/2002 100
* Inspection scores of 85 or lower are Not Satisfactory.
That 3 odd percent taken ill is probably lower or at least on par with YOUR local schools, hospitals and offices. Should you compensate them? Should we? Should Carnival?
If you would go to the CDC website and read how they conduct a sanitation inspection.
You would see that the prevention of food borne illness is the paramount purpose of their program. Also they conduct these inspections on a random suprise basis and the cruiselines have no input in these inspections.
That you felt the ship to be dirty, even tho thats a relative opinion, should not have been the case. If it seems dirty to you then it IS dirty to you. However to expect or demand a sterile or sanitized ship is just being silly. You could run 3030 pax and crew through your local hospital"s operating room just once and without touching anything and the staff would not have it sterile again 24 hours later.
You said 3 of 4 were ill. I'm sure you meant in your party, not the ship. You all flew to the port. Are you aware that every molecue of air you breathed on the airplane was recycled throughout the plane. That none of it is fresh or filtered?
I've been sick while travelling and its hateful. You got sick also, its a shame. Deal with it and move on. You've got nothing due you.