What happens when a ship gets sick??



Has anyone been aboard a ship with a virus outbreak??? Does the cruise line try to compensate those sickened in any way????


Was on the Conquest in December 2002 when it was hit by Norwalk virus. (about 75 people) Since none of us got sick, thankfully, I don't know about the compensation. The ship library was closed for a couple of days & we weren't allowed to serve ourselves from the buffet. Carnival employees, wearing plastic gloves, were serving. Employees were constantly cleaning & moping with disinfectant & we were warned not to shake hands with anyone & to be extra careful about washing our hands. I think the sick were quaranteened to their rooms. For the most part, the cruise just went on as usual.


Why should you be compensated. The ship did not make people sick. The sickness is caused by fellow passengers bringing the virus onboard and spreading it . If you want compensation find out who brought it aboard and sue them. Who compensates you when your child gets sick in school, when you get sick at work, in a hosptal, etc. etc. etc.


Something happened . Therefore I must be entitled to some compensation from someone somewhere.

I am always reminded of the song by Don Henley ( of the Eagles ) entltled " Get Over It "
wherein one line goes---" you say you haven't been the same since you had your little crash--but you might feel better if you had a little cash ".

Ahhh yes --compensation.


I wasn't saying that anyone should be compensated - I was just asking!!!!!!


Palmtre 2: I have been on three "Norwalk" cruises with our family of 4 and none of us have ever gotten sick. I am always the first person in the room with a can of Lysol in my carryon and I give the room a good dosing (everything...comforters, floors, bathroom, door handles etc etc etc) before anyone else enters the room. We put a large bottle of hand sanitizer on the counter and everyone knows that you use it upon entering and leaving the room. We have never gotten sick. (And that is with two boys who live in the arcade)

Since we have never gotten sick, I do not know about compensation. Our cruises have never been interrupted in any way. If a cruise ship had to come back early, then I am sure there would be compensation. But if an individual simply gets sick, I would not expect any compensation.


What happens is everyone has a miserable time. This isn't a cruise ships fault in any way. It is the fault of passengers who don't wash their hands. On the Glory last week, I watched an unsupervised child grabbing sushi from the sushi bar with her bare hands, when the chef was notified he quickly removed the tray and replaced it with another. Wash your hands and watch the other passengers. If you see someone sticking their hands all over food on the buffet then pass it over or ask the staff for another tray. I was VERY impressed with the way the carnival crew on the Glory kept a close eye on the buffet lines...also it seems they had made the buffets differently to discourage children from being able to serve themselves....the food is set back from the edge and the serving areas seemed higher. Read the above post and follow her advice! I am a medical professional who washes his hands 30-40 times a day normally and I don't get sick.


For the record: I wash my hands and use good personal grooming habits. I still came down with the virus on the Legend. The ship was supposed cleaned. I guess they used tap water. Maybe that's where it came from. Carnival handled the situation poorly, and refuses to take responsibility. It's people like you who let them get away with it.


Cruise sufferer,
Sorry you got ill and lost some of your vacation.

When did you get ill and for how long?
How did you arrive at the ship? Air? Land?
When did you arrive at the port? Sailing day or earlier?
What part of the country are you from?
Have you had a flu shot this year?
How many in your party?
How many were ill?
How many passengers were ill on the ship? Crew?
When did you sail?
What did you expect Carnival to do?


Cruise sufferer expects to be compensated.
I am here with something like the flu, have no idea what it is but will have to go to the doctor tomorrow I'm sure.
Now, if I could just halfway pinpoint where I may have gotten it I would certainly ask for compensation. I did talk to my neighbor a couple of days ago---maybe it was he who spread the bug to me---hmmm-- he does appear to be a man of means----Hello, attorney??? But wait---maybe he is going to sue me for giving " it " to him--!

Cruisin Gal

I was on a 5 day cruise on the Sensation on Nov. 15th. I was fine when I got on the ship, but the night before we got back to port...I caught an awful cold and am still suffering from it. There were other people sick on the ship as well. It happens and it's not the fault of the cruise line, but this ship was very dirty...she REALLY needs to be taken into dry dock...and spiffed up and will be soon if not as I'm writing this. I never saw so much toilet paper being thrown on the floor of the public restrooms as I saw on the Sensation and other places where things should have been kept clean.

I generally sail out of Canaveral and find that the staff and crew on the Fantasy are really much better at keeping the ship clean. I would never suggest that passengers sailing out of Canaveral are cleaner than people who sail out of Tampa...but Carnival certainly needs to keep up with the demand...and passengers should be more aware of how their health affects others. I washed my hands constantly and tried my best to stay clear, but it's a no win situation sometimes.

The ONLY time I would expect the cruise line to make some compensation to passengers is if they had to interrupt the cruise and inconvenience the healthy people because of other passengers who spread their germs around or because the cruise line didn't do enough to keep the ship clean.


Yeah, I expect compensation. We and another couple arrived by different airlines. The ship was not cleaned before boarding. Our frends cabin very dirty. 3 out of 4 got sick on november 21 crusie. Notice that the ship was sick was stuffed in crap about spa, bingo, bootiques. Carnival knew there were problems, and did nothing. I was there, you weren't.


In light of your hostility, here are some facts from CDC, not CCL.
11/13/04 sailing of the Legend
51 pax, 42 crew with possible norovirus
thats 93 of 3030 on board or 3.07% ill
meaning 96.93% well.
[Odd that the crew, stuck on board for months at a time, always have fewer ill than the pax do. If the ship was "sick" shouldn't large numbers of crew be sick too?]

11/21/2004 sailing of the Legend figures not complete but slightly lower than 11/13 sailing.
Also from CDC.
Sanitation scores of the Legend [X out of 100]
10/16/2003 98
3/2/2003 92
10/30/2002 100
* Inspection scores of 85 or lower are Not Satisfactory.

That 3 odd percent taken ill is probably lower or at least on par with YOUR local schools, hospitals and offices. Should you compensate them? Should we? Should Carnival?
If you would go to the CDC website and read how they conduct a sanitation inspection.
You would see that the prevention of food borne illness is the paramount purpose of their program. Also they conduct these inspections on a random suprise basis and the cruiselines have no input in these inspections.

That you felt the ship to be dirty, even tho thats a relative opinion, should not have been the case. If it seems dirty to you then it IS dirty to you. However to expect or demand a sterile or sanitized ship is just being silly. You could run 3030 pax and crew through your local hospital"s operating room just once and without touching anything and the staff would not have it sterile again 24 hours later.
You said 3 of 4 were ill. I'm sure you meant in your party, not the ship. You all flew to the port. Are you aware that every molecue of air you breathed on the airplane was recycled throughout the plane. That none of it is fresh or filtered?
I've been sick while travelling and its hateful. You got sick also, its a shame. Deal with it and move on. You've got nothing due you.


In the majority of the cases you are not sickened by the ship. It is your lovely fellow passengers that bring their virus or illness with them. Then they pass it on to you. So not only will they save all the deck chairs but they will get you sick too.


On our first cruise I spent our first formal night in the bathroom due to sea sickness. Our wonderful cabin steward brought me meclizine and I will never cruise without it. 2nd cruise my daughter spent the entire first formal night in the bathroom, could not even keep down 7 up and had a fever for 2 days. I spent some good quality time in the cabin with her until she improved and all was well. Norwalk? Probably. But I knew what I needed to do (stay confined with her in our cabin) and make the most of the balcony. So we have been on 2 cruises, 2 of our famlily members have been sick for diff reasons but I still MUST cruise :) No, we didn't get remimbursed. I didn't even try because one really knows where one got sick? We can get sick flying in an airplane, eating at a restaurant, just about anywhere before the crusie.

Jeff & Susana

We were pn the Sensation in March and found it to be in very good shape for an 'older' ship!
Yes, there was a couple stains on the carpet in a hall (probably due to careless passengers) but the rest of the ship was always clean. Any dirt we saw was due to lazy people leaving garbage around wherever they choose. The crew was always picking things up & cleaning.

The crew doesn't get the ship dirty not does it make people sick.
The passengers do.

Just watch the people for a few minutes.
See them cough and sneeze in their hand and then hit the buffet, grab a handrail or open a door............

..........on the airplane it is a hundred times worse!


On my very first cruise (Jubilee) back in 1996, my son (13 at the time) became very ill the 3rd day out. He was vomiting and had a fever. I believe this was before the Norwalk virus became known. We had a wonderful steward who offered to keep an eye on him so I could run into St. Maartin since I had never been before. I went and walked around for a half hour and then went back to the ship. Of course I couldn't stay away long, just wanted to touch land so I could say I had been there......My son said the steward knocked on the door every 15 minutes to ask if he was OK. By the next day, he was back to normal and we were able to both go ashore in St. Thomas. As the saying goes "$h!t Happens! Especially with kids, you never know when they will get sick or if they will infect you. I just thought it was awful nice of the steward to make the offer to keep an eye on him.