What Port on this Itinenary are U looking Forward to the MOST???


Staff Captain
For me I would have to say St. Lucia as it is one of MY Fav Islands and one I never tire of visiting. How about U???


If you take me serious, it's your problem
UM... on which itinerary?? on my next cruise itinerary i think i am going to enjoy going to belize again... there is just so much to do there that i have yet to see... And it doesn't hurt that the people i have encountered there are so friendly. Once you get outside the pier terminal and outside the city the people are very polite and courteous. On several of our short stops along the way to Altun Ha ruins every local we met was in a good mood, and always said hello and goodbye. A couple even told us about other things we might enjoy while visiting. Gawd... i am gushing like a school girl... but i just can't explain well enough of how nice of a visit i had last time i was there ..Now if i could find a great restaurant serving garifuna(sp)food, i've heard it is pretty good, but you have to find a good restaurant to get it in.


I have very fond memories of the Cat in St. Lucia, Have never been to St. Kitts and am comfortable with the shopping area in St. Thomas.. Just the sun, sea and a shady place to sit for time. I am happy.