what time do the HOT TUBS....


Gayle V

Hi REd,

I was just answering a post about first day activities on the Mariner, so pulled out the first day Compass from the MOS@IC cruise. I was surprised to read on there that "Selected pools and hot tubs are open 24 hours."

Now you know I was there, but I have no memory of any pools being open 24hours on that cruise. How does that jive with your memory of that cruise?

It's just that I keep telling people that Princess is special because they keep their pools open 24 hours. Meanwhile, I guess, RCI does the same thing, and after five RCI cruises, I never noticed. I must be losing it.

connie seabee

On the Voyager Class ships they have pools and some hot tubs open 24 hrs. They alternate what pool and hot tubs each night. We took advantage of late night swimming and use of the hot tubs on the Explorer, and Navagator. I don't think we made it there on the Mariner.


Can vouch that Hot Tubs on AoS are open 'round the clock' -- my 18 yr old talked about it each day - 'bout noon when she finally got up! She and her friends would watch the sun rise and know it was time to go to bed. Oh to be young again...:)