What to do in Anchorage???



Got some time to kill after getting off the ship in Anchorage before flight leaves at 8:40pm. Any suggestions on what to do? Good restaurant or something good to do. Looking for something kind of on the cheaper side since our funds will be pretty low after just finishing the cruise. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks.


I assume that your ship docks at Whittier or Seward, so by the time you get to Anchorage, you won't have much time to kill. There's lots to do downtown, but to do anything yo need to have your luggage sent to the airport. The Oomingmak shop, which sell scarves, hats and such made out of musk ox underwool, is a must-see. The gardens at the Arts Center are gorgeous, there's an OmniMax presentation, and lots more. My favourite restaurant (very "Alaska") is the Glacier Brewhouse downtown, but it definitely isn't cheap - the best cheap one is Blondie's, right across from the sled dog mounument on 4th Avenue.


Thanks for the info. I am guessing that after we finally get to Anchorage from Whittier that we will have at least 3 or 4 hours to kill. Ship docks early. 3 hour ride to Anchorage and then get to airport about 6 for a 8:40 flight. Then sit on the airplane all night and the next morning flying back to North Carolina wishing I was still on the ship and hoping that the dogs haven't gotten into the fish I had shipped back.


you might want to think about a local tour. We are thinking about taking a tour direct from the ship that ends in Anchorage.