Hello Sheilauk,
If you looked around on your Royal Caribbean cruises and saw that MOST people were dressing formally, then don't let someone else's interpretation of that change what you think.
Those people that want to dress casually will see only the few people who break the rules, and ignore all the tuxes and suits, and long gowns. They will see only what supports the way they WANT things to be, not the way they are. And they will use that distorted vision to support a claim that the lack of formal dress is accepted... It's not.
Unfortunately the few rule breakers breed more rule breakers, just by the bad example they set. So sadly the numbers of people exhibiting inappropriate dress at formal diner, are increasing. If they don't want to dress formally, why on earth they choose to attend a formal function, where formal attire is stipulated, I will never understand.
I will also never understand the "It's my vacation, I will devalue other people's event if want too." attitude. They are saying " I will make everyone elses vacation, the lesser thing that I want to have. I don't care what they want, not what they paid for, nor what I agreed to when I booked a vacation that includes a formal night."
I wish they would realise that our vacation includes a formal night. The vacation that DOES NOT include a formal night is occuring up on the LIDO deck. They need to go there ! And I wish the cruise line's would stand by the rules they set, and insist on it.
As for AzBug,
If you are a man native to the Phillipines, then perhaps you have a claim to wearing a Barong. Barongs are quite fancy, like a long lacy woman's blouse. I see no problem with Scots men wearing their national formal dress, which includes a kilt. SO I don't think I should object to a Phillipino man wearing his own national formal dress.
So IF you are Plillipino, I say go for it. Although you may find yourself spending your evening explaining that this is really is the formal wear of your country. (Because Barongs only seem to LOOK formal when all the other fellows around are wearing them too). That could get kind of annoying for you after awhile.
But, on the other hand, if you are NOT Phillipino. then I fear you will not only look underdressed, you will also look like a man wearing a lady's blouse.