What's best for sea sickness?



I've been on several cruises and have been fortunate enough not to have very rough seas. I have taken Dramamine in the past and had a heck of a time staying awake. Is there anything over the counter for sea sickness that doesn't have the sleepy side effect?

Panama Canal 3-25-04 Island Princess. Can't wait.


Try Bonine, less drowsy formula.....Dramamine also has one that is LD. They are both pretty expensive, but if you go to the counter and ask for the GENERIC Meclizine in 100 count bottles, it is a lot cheaper. I usually get mine at Wal-Mart pharmacy. It comes in 25mg and 50mg tabs. I buy the 25mg.....if I need 2, I take it....1 seems to be doing the job then I don't have to break the tab. Oh..........also.....I take mine after dinner.....this works very well for me.

Now.....for a non-medicinal remedy, the Sea Bands work well, too.


Thanks for the info Mgram. Sounds like Meclizine is the way to go.
Have a great time in Alaska. We went to Alaska on the Ocean Princess in June 2001. It was great. You'll love it.

Thanks again.

teddy g

i recently used bonine for a couple days on cruise and it worked well...although i got a little waylaid from 50 mg and several mixed drinks. oops. something to keep in mind.


Yes, oral meds as well as the patches work great but you do have to watch your alcohol intake when using them. Sea Bands are said to work pretty good, and they will not interact with alcohol as they are just bands worn on your wrists.


Don't let your stomach get empty either... keep some crackers or bread in your cabin and eat up if you notice the seas getting rough.


After umpteen cruises, I felt seasick for the first time. Our room steward said ginger tablets plus fresh air works best. Bought some in the sundries shop, went outside, and it worked after awhile. No side effects.


Is there anything to take for the light headed feeling when on the ship and when off on shore? I never fee nausated but just kind of dizzy...especially when on shore.


The otc oral meds may help with that, I dont know. I kow the feeling you are talking about, but Ive never taken anything for it.


If you feel sea sick try to go as low in the ship as possible helps the ship seems to sway less down there.


My husband uses ginger tablets, available at any health food store. He has experienced severe seasickness previously and thinks ginger tablets are the best thing around for it.


I have to tell you! We just came back from a wonderful cruise on the Grand Princess. This was our second cruise. Our first was on the Ocean Princess. I was seasick, didn't know I was prone to it so I was caught off guard. I got dramamine from the boutique. Although it did prevent me from being physically sick, I didn't feel well or right the whole week. Therefore, this time, I wanted a better solution. I was hoping to find a non-medicinal solution so this time I tried the seaband. Sorry to say it didn't work at all for me. I was physically sick the second night. I had read many postings from fellow cruisers on sites praising Bonine. This was my backup plan. I purchased some (I'm Canadian - here it is called Bonamine and I purchased it at Zellers right off the shelf). One tablet containing 25mg Meclizine nightly was all I needed. It's good for 24 hours. I had absolutely no side effects whatsoever, I felt completely normal and my old self the rest of the cruise. I was able to enjoy my few drinks a day without any problems. I don't know if a higher dosage would react differently, but 25mg worked beautifully for me. Also, when I returned home I had no physical readjustment time. The first cruise, with the dramamine, took four days to feel myself again. I can't believe I have found the solution for me and I hope it works for you. I look soooooo forward to a future filled with many more cruises problem free. Have a great time and good health!


Sorry, I forgot to say, I took two 25mg tablets nightly, since the package says take one or two. Two worked great with absolutely no effects!!! Bye.