What's happening with Mercury?



Something tells me that there is something going on with the Mercury. We are booked on the Oct. 13th Coastal sailing from Vancouver to San Diego. My agent called and told me that she had received a message from Celebrity that they are changing the itinerary, with embarkation in Seattle. They told her that the Port of Vancouver said they could not accommodate Mercury on that date. Then, apparently to satisfy the Jones Act, they are changing the disembarkation port to Ensenada, and taking us to San Diego by bus -- a two-hour drive! They are offering a $100 per person discount and a $100 per cabin shipboard credit. Not enough! I am so disappointed about not going to Vancouver. Also, I have been reading that Mercury is very shabby and badly in need of refurbishment. If anyone has more info, please post!


I am not sure about your itinerary, but that anyone could say the Mercury is shabby is beyond me. We sailed her in February, our first time on Celebrity, but our 13th cruise. The only wear or staining I saw was on the chairs in the disco and a few of the chairs in the buffet area. She is very clean and shiny, a beautiful ship. I had forewarned DH that she was the oldest ship we had sailed on, but he told me he would have never know it had I not told him.


Absolutely, the Mercury, despite her age, is in excellent condition. She is a Celebrity & they are always on top of things. They didn't get all those first place ships (Mercury included) being shabby.

As for the change, no clue there.


The Mercury is one of the most beautiful ships that I have been on. We sailed the California cruise about two years ago. I was very impressed. We had the most fun with the staff on that ship. We are looking forward to sailing on her again in a couple of weeks down to the Mexican Riviera. You should not be concerned about her condition. It is top notch. Extremely classy.

As for the itenerary change, Ensenada is a beautiful place. I highly recommend the Foxplorations tour in Rosarito.

One thing that I have learned with cruising is that you have to go with the flow. I have been through several itinerary changes over the years and I have made the best of them. Besides, this just gives you an excuse to book another cruise and go to Vancouver.

Enjoy your trip.


We are on Mecury in fall 05--a short cruise from Seattle. Our itin also changed but now that we have Astoria Oregon instead if Campbell River, we are peased..also have victoria & nainamo--hope it does not change again. We enjoyed Mercury a few yrs ago & look forward to it again--


If you have terrible doubts about this cruise, don't wait till the last minute. If possible, cancel and find another cruise to take if the penalties aren't too bad. It's a shame that people in charge move things around and then pass out pitiful amounts in compensation. Of course they don't have control all the time, but they must be knowledgeable about their situations concerning ports and scheduling. After all, they are the professionals,,,, or are they?



Anyone been on Merc recently? We are counting down to our Sept trip to Pacific NW & also booked a Mex Riviera for April 07..does anyone know when she is set for refurbishing or drydock? We enjoyed this ship but hope it is being kept up properly


I know that alot of people book the cruises with the itinerary in mind, but i always remind everyone, that you are not on a solid foundation hotel, you are in a floating resort that must deal with mother nature and elements, if you are in a hotel and it storms you are stuck there, while it rains and vacation is ruined, your hotel will not refund you for rain. If it storms at sea, there are always accomodations to bring you to other places that are sunny... the fact that the cruiseline gives any compensation for a change of itineraries in my opinion i think isf antastic, and generous, the fine print of the contract does state that the itinerary is subject to change,,, if you book a vacation on port of call then book a land based vacation, if you book a cruise, you are booking the ship, the ports of call are just icing on the cake,,, I know its disappointing that you dont get to go to a certain place, but hey 200.00 off my vacation is spending money,,, for more drinks, souveniers, maybe that fancy dinner at one of the ships non inclusive venues...

Thats what cruising is all about, it makes me so mad sometimes when people demand more from the cruiseline when the fact that they give you any compensation at all is incredible...


The change to Astoria is a good one--esp since it is the yr of the Lewis & Clark expedition anniv. Also loking forward to Vicoria & BUtchart Gardens ..just hope the ship is in good shape--we will find out in a few weeks & report back!