when will I get my RCCL itinerary and other such things?



hey there fellow addicts!

we just paid off our cruise almost 2 weeks ago and we are sailing on oct.4th.
I was just wondering if anybody knew approx. how close to a sail date you need to be to recieve your papers in the mail...
now how does this work?
Will we get documents so we can board the cruise or do they have our info already and all we have to do is bring i.d?
this part was never really gone over by our TA and we would like to know before hand...to avoid a trip to the next town over to ask the travel agent???? Also....will we know what nights are what dining wise before hand or not until we get on the cruise itself?
I didnt think I would have this many questions this close to the cruise!
thanks for the help in advance!


It varies but the cruise lines usually don't ship documents until about 30 days prior to sailing. That's when you get in to 50% penalties and they figure your chances of cancelling are far less by that point. You should do your on line check in on Royal Caribbean's website so all your information is already in their system.

On your five night cruise departing on Saturday, formal night will be on Sunday. I'll bet you're getting excited by now :)


We are getting excited!
After what just happened we really NEED this cruise now as apposed to just WANTING it.


Yes Beth, I was thinking the same thing and was happy that you were going to be getting away soon. :)


Yea,like Michael said,you need to do your online docs.........thats the most important thing............you dont really even need those cruise docs that come in the mail..................Your TA should had told you that..