where to get best price on RCI cruise?



Technically, travel agents are not allowed to discount RCCL cruises anymore..........that being said,some TAs do offer perks with cruises(gifts,onboard credit,etc)......you just have to shop around to find what is best for you..

I personally just book directly thru RCCL.........


Personally, my answer to your question is at princess.com.

RC is getting a little pricey lately, and has forced us to "jump ship" in terms of our loyalty.


[quote cruisebuddy]Personally, my answer to your question is at princess.com.

RC is getting a little pricey lately, and has forced us to "jump ship" in terms of our loyalty.[/quote]

That really didnt answer the OP who wanted to know where to book a RCCL cruise,,,,


Use the link from this site to Cruise compete.com

Watch prices..if they lower, RCCL will rebate the money to you.

We just saved 110.00 EACH over what we paid and are getting a rebate.

Lady Jag

RCI and Celebrity do not allow TAs to reduce the cruise price as PH8 stated above.

Just a note: You'd be much smarter to use a TA than to call RCI directly & book through them. A TA will be on your side & work to assist you in many circumstances that a cruise line won't. The RCI agents are employed by RCI. It's their goal to make the most money they can for the company. You may never, ever call them again. What do they care if they don't take care of the little details like getting you a table for 2 or adding a special celebration or cross-referencing your dining with another couple? A good TA will check those things to make sure they are just as you want them. RCI may never show you any proof that they've done these things for you. A TA can & will.


Have to disagree with ya Lady Jag.........

I never ever have a problem with RCCl delivering what I ask for...

Not sure what you mean by "You may never, ever call them again."???

You can just look at your reservation on their website and you will see your request for a certain size table.....the other reservations you're linked with......a special occasion and what day you want to celebrate it.......

There is nothing a TA can do that I cant....(ok, except for the gifts you give out)...But I get plenty from C and A....


ph8, im guessing you work for RCI? where I can I book a last minute cruise ?


Oh no.............I dont work for RCCL and I am not a travel agent either.......just someone who cruises RCCL alot(at least as much as possible)..

I personally just look at www.rccl.com.......however some have used http://www.cruisecompete.com/ as a poster above recommended.....its sorta like Ditech for cruising...you put in your info and agents bid with their best price...

Lady Jag

PH8, just remember that a TA can also give you perks from their commission. For exmample, just today I gave a client $500 in Shipboard Credit for their Christmas cruise. That's on TOP OF their C&A discount, their stockholder credit and their credit for booking this cruise while onboard.

Last time I checked, RCI doesn't send you gifts either. Just something to think about.

Also, what you can do is book the cruise yourself, then transfer it to a TA when you find one that has the kind of perk you're looking for. :)


I know some TAs give you stuff,but I like to be in control of my cruises 24/7 since I tend to change alot,esp if I see a better cabin....better cruise,etc.........I dont want to wait for return calls or emails.....

Still dont know what you meant by "You may never, ever call them again." ???????????

Lady Jag

Every time you call RCI, you may end up with a totally different representative.

I don't know why you'd shun free stuff! Seems crazy to me, but whatever works for ya. :)


PH: I know just what you mean about taking care of reservations yourself. I'm a CONTROL FREAK and want to have make sure I'm always on top of things. Nothing worse than a TA that doesn't have enough time for you!! Perks aren't everything in life. GOOD SERVICE IS to me!! :girly


Yes,and I have had situations where I know a TA couldnt help me out,yet RCCL C and A will do it for me,since I have so many cruises with them........to me,that is priceless..

Ok, enough about TA vs direct...........its up to the individual..

Lady Cruiser

I booked through RCCL myself, then heard of a TA that someone else in our "group" is using. I switched my booking over to him so he could get the commission. We had a long discussion and I told this TA that I believe in GREAT customer service. Apparently he did not hear that part. I'm still trying to get his agency form to charge my credit card. That's all, and so for it's been impossible! I am spending WAY too much of MY time trying to do HIS job. AND I'VE DONE ALL THE LEG WORK!!! It's frustrating and HE's the one making all the money because I was just trying to be nice. Did not pay off. Next time I'll handle matters myself. I know enough about cruising and have cruised long enough to know what I need to do. I'm really upset, but I guess I'll get over it. I would NEVER have IMAGINED treating MY clients this way!!!

Lady Cruiser

Lady Jag

Lady Cruiser, you can have that booked switched to another TA or even RCI directly pretty easily. There's a form to transfer your booking. No one should ever have to go through what you've been through!


I book direct with RCCL online. Manage my reservation applying all C & A discounts, shareholder OBC, etc. a few weeks before final pmt. I transfer it to a wonderful TA that gives me 10% OBC. I feel no one is going to look after my reservation better than myself so I do all the work and maintain control over it and still get a great OBC when I transfer it.