Who do I complain to about bad cruise?



I am not the type of person to complain about every little thing under the sun. With that being said, I have a serious complaint about my last cruise and I do not feel that it was handled well by those on the ship.

Does anyone know to whom I should direct a letter?

The person's name, title address and fax number would greatly be appreciated.

P.S. I am loking for someone at Carnival to direct my letter, not my travel agent.


I am sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience. I would imagine that there are different possible contacts based on what type of complaint you may have, so "googling" the cruise line execs may give you a solid place to start.

If it were something ship related, I would aim there (cruise director, whomever is right above, PR folks at cornival, and execs all CC'd on the same letter), if it were security related, you may consider contacting both the cruise line (assuming this happened while on board), and possibly the port authority if this was at an island, etc.

If you feel that the bad experience you had was something that in effect made your experience a total loss (neglegance on the part of the cruise line in extraordinary situation), then I would go for it. It would take a pretty unusual circumstance to warrent being offered a free cruise, assuming you were able to actually complete your cruise as planned (or close to it).

At any rate, best of luck to you! Hope whatever happened that you and whomever you were traveling with are safe and unharmed!


Snorkelman: The following general address will get your letter read by the proper folks.

Carnival Cruise Lines
Carnival Place
3655 NW 87 Avenue
Miami, Fl 33178-2428

Phone number 305-599-2600


There is NO such thing as a bad cruise. There are some that are better than others. Viet


[quote viet630]There is NO such thing as a bad cruise. There are some that are better than others. Viet[/quote]

Amen!! I have always said that as long as the ship doesn't sink, I will have a good time. And even if the ship sinks, as long as no one gets hurt and I get a good enough bonus for going through the experience...sink away!!!


Myh last cruise was Brilliance of the seas and my toilets only worked half the time. Smelled bad and had workers pounding outside the door trying to fix it at 7am in the morning. The reason I say this is if you read my review, I also state this was by far the best cruise I have ever had. Even with the inconvenience. However, I talked to people on the ship who would not allow themselves to have fun BECAUSE of it.. What a waste. You make it what you make it.


I have had some that were not as good as other's. But I do think that overall most cruise line' s want you to be satisfied,they would not stay in bussiness very long if no one came back. Viet


Carnival doesn't care if you complain, they got their money........was my experience. Yes there IS such a thing as a bad cruise