I could copy PEB's post word for word and be right on the money. But have to admit one does stick out in my mind but couldn't say what cruise line or his name to save me. Reason he sticks out is that he looked like Pee Wee Herman and could imitate him to a TDon't go to the raindeer games and besides most of those like bingo and show and tell are run by the staff anyway, and rarely go to showroom, would rather take in a good lounge show.
I could copy PEB's post word for word and be right on the money. But have to admit one does stick out in my mind but couldn't say what cruise line or his name to save me. Reason he sticks out is that he looked like Pee Wee Herman and could imitate him to a T
Don't go to the raindeer games and besides most of those like bingo and show and tell are run by the staff anyway, and rarely go to showroom, would rather take in a good lounge show.