Hello anyone sail on the liberty of the seas yet? i am going to sail on her in sept. i am wondering how everything was, i heard that the beds are upgraded. i was wondering how the food was compared to the other ships, the entertainment?? and so on, if anyone has sailed please post. i am very excited about this cruise also my parents will have the promenade stateroom i was wondering how this was. i will be in #6233 the parents are in 6283 i think. oh, i am not concerned about the virus. i know how virus is contracted.And actually the virus outbreak has just protected us further it has just added protection for future cruisers because they will have to sanitize the ship and it will be extra clean. The virus was contracted before the people boarded the ship in the close confined areas it can and will spread nothing can prevent this but basic hygiene like hand washing. So this can and will happen.