[quote LHP]"Seasoned mature people" know when someone has a starfish up their fanny and when folks are making the best of a bad situation (which again, we have already acknowledge). Just because the food on ONE cruise on the Sensation was not up to your "personal" taste...does not mean that the food on the Sensation is always going to be bad. Saying "if you want good food, don't go on the Sensation" is immature and childish (ie of the starfish variety). [/quote]
Most people do not have the time or money to try every ship three times to see if they get it right two times out of three. If someone was on the Sensation and had what they consider to be sub par food and service, then that is what they had.
I have never seen a professional review note that (s)he received bad food or bad service, but the reader should give whatever the reviewer is reviewing a chance because the reviewer might have been there on an "off" day/night/week.
When someone goes on a cruise, they do not care how great the food and service was the week before or the week after their cruise. They only care about how the food and service was the week of their cruise. How would you react if an airline pilot said after crashing the jet you were on, "Sorry folks, just having a bad day. Looking forward to seeing you on the return trip."
A cruise line has one chance to make the grade, and that is the week that passenger is on board. Then the next week they have one chance again, with a new set of passengers. The cruise lines that get this right the most often will earn more repeat customers. Those that earn a reputation for having "off" weeks will soon be off - permanently.
Perhaps if after 20+ cruises you find yourself on a cruise that is sub par, you can shrug it off to an off week. However, someone who is on their first cruise and finds the food and service sub par will never get to his/her 20th cruise.
If someone believes that they did not receive all that they paid for, then it is their right to state it that way. I had four computers, three printers and two scanners all from the same company. Their customer service, in my opinion, was sub par. So, I stopped buying their product. I have since replaced two of the computers with computers from other companies and I have replaced one of the printers. When I run out of toner on a second printer, I will replace it with a different brand. Mean while, this company is winning awards for its customer service. Okay, but they are not winning any awards with me.
A cruise and any review of that cruise should be based on how that cruise was, not how it was the week before or the week after. Some people will enjoy it and will want to come back. Others will not enjoy it and will never come back. As one other poster noted (who did not enjoy their cruise) cruising is not for everyone. That is true. We need to remember this.