
Every Princess cruise is always "sold out" waiting list for traditional dining. OBVIOUSLY people would prefer that....so why don't they expand traditional and cut back or eliminate the not so popular anytime? I don't get it. I've heard so many negative things about anytime, the most important to me is I won't have the same waiter or wine steward to have my chlled champagne waiting at precisely 6pm each night. God knows how long it will take me to order a bottle of wine after I'm seated....night after night....and I can't get traditional.​


One thing you might try is to advise the head waiter on the first day that you would like to come to one particular dining room and be seated at the same table at the same time each night. If you do this you will have the same wait staff each night. I know someone who did this and it worked fine for him.

Just a thought. :)


Thanks Mike, I'll give it a shot. I don't mind dining with different people (especially on a 7 day where you don't really bond), but DONT' MESS WITH MY BOTTLE OF KORBEL!!! LOL.


Connie....no wine stewards on Princess....your waiter will take your wine order! Now I know you are not going to like that either... oh well :grin !

Also, not everyone dislikes anytime dining. In fact many prefer it....and I happen to be one of those. Speak to the Maitre d' when you first arrive on the ship and you may very well get your coveted spot in the traditional dining room....especially if you are not with a large group. I would like to mention that the last time I did traditional dining (I wanted to be with the Class Reunion group in the traditional dining room) there were many, many empty tables each and every night at the late traditional seating. Wonder where all those peope were ::eek:::eek:::eek: ?


Got me!! They've had both early and late traditional seatings booked for 6 months. Maybe some people (slap 'em) book the traditional dining and then just don't show up and use anytime.

WAITERS TAKE YOUR WINE ORDER??? I LOVE THAT!!!! I usually have to wait an eternity the first night for a sommelier - sometimes just before dessert is served! :help:- and then I tip them heavily and tell them from now on - BE HERE WITH MY BOTTLE AT 6PM. Ha.

If the waiter gets the drink orders, I shouldn't have a problem at all!! I will attempt to get seated at traditional early - as you say - I'm only one person (although sometimes I eat like two) :lol



I think a lot of people do change their minds and head to the anytime dining rooms and never turn up in traditional. I hope you get your seat in early traditional, have a wonderful waiter and enjoy your glass of champagne every single evening!

Cruise cutie

=shrug..OMG Connie..=lolgang.. Honey it's going to be one Beep of a crap shoot on this Ruby Sailing!!..

either you're going to have your socks knocked off at the ability to smoke, and enjoy your champagne SERVED BY a WAITER!! and have traditional and enjoy the Italian cuisine by their specialty chefs.. or it's going to be a Disaster!!..

I pray to Duck for incoming after you get off the ship.. and if it's not a fabulous as we have had it for 15 years....guess more room for Beryl and I - The Princess "Princesses!!"...just remember if it is ALL good, get a ghost booking or two..hehehe...Joanne


[quote Cruise cutie]=shrug..OMG Connie..=lolgang.. Honey it's going to be one Beep of a crap shoot on this Ruby Sailing!!..

either you're going to have your socks knocked off at the ability to smoke, and enjoy your champagne SERVED BY a WAITER!! and have traditional and enjoy the Italian cuisine by their specialty chefs.. or it's going to be a Disaster!!..

I pray to Duck for incoming after you get off the ship.. and if it's not a fabulous as we have had it for 15 years....guess more room for Beryl and I - The Princess "Princesses!!"...just remember if it is ALL good, get a ghost booking or two..hehehe...Joanne[/quote]

I'm totally confused by your post....and the fact that my previous post is now gone...."disaster", "incoming"...HUH?? You lost me. It's just another cruise. And as I've stated many times, I make my own good time regardless. So yes, I WILL enjoy being able to smoke, I WILL enjoy not having to wait on a sommelier, etc.


We had anytime dining last cruise--we had the same waiters each day for breakfast and lunch- we were a party of 3-10 depending. For dinner we had different waiters but same each night. The head waiter kept his eye on our table and we had very good service. He usually escorted Jenny to table himself.


I personally very much enjoy the anytime dining...specifically because I find the fawning waiters to be a real pain in the you-know-what....they making assumptions about what I might want to eat or drink before I open my mouth; the overly solicitous comments about how my day went, the pretending to be my "friend" when they're everyone's "friend" in the same phony way....

I want servers to do their job...quickly, quietly, discretely, and make themselves relatively scarce otherwise.

The times we cruised on Princess and took advantage of the "tradtional dining" we saw very many empty tables, and places at tables that were consistently vacant, so I'm pretty sure that if you really enjoy that sort of thing they'll find place for you, while the others of us eat and drink with some degree of privacy, in other venues.


[quote maw]We had anytime dining last cruise--we had the same waiters each day for breakfast and lunch- we were a party of 3-10 depending. For dinner we had different waiters but same each night. The head waiter kept his eye on our table and we had very good service. He usually escorted Jenny to table himself.[/quote]

But we did have to go to PC dining by 6:15 to get our table.....we were told you can not make a reservation in PC dining room between 6:15 and 8:00. And yes...that head waiter sure had his head turned by Jenny :lol :lol


[quote uppitycats]I personally very much enjoy the anytime dining...specifically because I find the fawning waiters to be a real pain in the you-know-what....they making assumptions about what I might want to eat or drink before I open my mouth; the overly solicitous comments about how my day went, the pretending to be my "friend" when they're everyone's "friend" in the same phony way....

I want servers to do their job...quickly, quietly, discretely, and make themselves relatively scarce otherwise.

The times we cruised on Princess and took advantage of the "tradtional dining" we saw very many empty tables, and places at tables that were consistently vacant, so I'm pretty sure that if you really enjoy that sort of thing they'll find place for you, while the others of us eat and drink with some degree of privacy, in other venues.[/quote]

WOW!!! LOL..:)P)..actually, some of them ARE genuine. I have e-mail relationships with crew from decades back. But your post made me laugh, thanks for that. OH, anytime is SO popular that I am number 562 on the "wait list" for traditional and I booked a year ago....sigh.....