Will I get seasick on Panama canal cruise?


New Member
Hello. I have done 2 Carnival cruises on the Pacific side and each time I have ended up seasick but not until the last couple of days when we are going North. I tend to get motion sickness very easy anyway. I wore a patch the whole time and it helped until the last couple of days. There are many many many days at sea on the Panama transit canal cruise and I just worry how it would be going from San Francisco to Galveston. Thanks. Friends who don't get motion sick tell me I'll be fine. LOL. But I don't want to spend days on end in my stateroom sleeping.


Staff Captain
No one can predict if you will get seasock but it should be much calmer going through the canal itself. However, you’ll still be in the Pacific until you enter the canal and into the Gulf of Mexico on exiting. Could be calm or rough. Just go prepared and take preventative measures before you actually become ill. I’ve heard there are no-doze meds available.